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collision warning system中文是什么意思

用"collision warning system"造句"collision warning system"怎么读"collision warning system" in a sentence


  • 防撞警告系统
  • 碰撞警报系统
  • 碰撞警告系统


  • Collision warning systems
  • Road vehicles - forward vehicle collision warning system - performance requirements and tests procedures
  • After the earlier stage research of the rear - end collision warning system , we had gained some achievements
  • Against the frequency of rear - end collision in the freeway , a suit of rear - end collision warning system to be fit for the situation of our country is studied in order to strive for more time for drivers , and reduce rear - end collision
  • The rear - end collision warning system ( recws ) for the motorway can make the most of the existing automotive resource and improve the automotive security , and largely decrease the rear - end collision occurring and decrease the casualty and economic expenses came from the traffic accident
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